Seminar in Stavanger
Transfer in Focus


This joint seminar organized by UiS, GCE Node, NTVA, and GEAN and sponsored by Stavanger Kommune & NORCE explored the role of oil and gas competence in geothermal applications and the potential of repurposing of abandoned O&G wells for geothermal energy production, digitalization and advanced drilling technology to enhance geothermal resource potential.

Presentation slides (and soon videos)
can be found on our Conference Database

The seminar also addressed the challenges of deep geothermal extraction and the opportunities for regional businesses to develop solutions that could boost geothermal heat extraction in other European countries.

Key takeaway

Besides the fast-growing shallow geothermal domestic market, Norway is seeing more and more initiatives towards deeper solutions in Norway and abroad.

We thank our sponsors Stavanger Kommune & NORCE

for making this event a reality!

13 MAR 2024 | 08:30 - 16:10
Seminar at the University of Stavanger

Venue: UiS - Kjell Arholms hus, KA-Auditorium 3, S-116

Transfer in Focus: Is O&G drilling and well competence needed for geothermal resource extraction?
hosted by UiS, GCE-NODE, NTVA, GEAN
sponsored by Stavanger Kommune &